Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tioman Island, Malaysia

What it lacks in size, Tioman Island makes up for in beauty: lush jungles, crystal-clear streams, and dazzling white-sand beaches teeming with marine life. You may already have seen Tioman Island without even knowing it – the place stood in for Bali Hai in the movie South Pacific.

The profusion of white coral reefs around the island makes Tioman a scuba diver’s dream: clear waters to depths of a hundred feet provide an unobstructed view of multi-hued coral and tropical fish.

Tioman is not as developed as Bali or Phuket – good news for the backpacker looking for something off the beaten track. Juara Bay is as isolated as you can get: a quiet beach on the east coast, braced by three rivers leading to waterfalls in the jungle.

Accommodations range from Spartan to comfortable – you can rent a hut on the beach for about US$7 a night, or you could spend a bit more for an air-conditioned chalet. Any accommodation may be hard to find during peak season, so it’s prudent to reserve in advance.

Tioman is accessible via ferry from Mersing on the mainland, or from Singapore.

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